By contributing, I recognize that CryptoCougs,LLC is an LLC organized under Washington law and that my contribution will go to developing the name, image, and likeness programs (“NIL”) described within this website for student-athletes. I acknowledge that CryptoCougs, LLC will be the final determinant of exactly how the money raised will be spent and that ten percent of each NIL deal will be kept by CryptoCougs, LLC , to defray CryptoCougs operating costs and expenses. I acknowledge that by contributing I do not receive any ownership, control, or voting interest in CryptoCougs, LLC, or any right to receive information about its operations. CryptoCougs, LLC intends to annually publish its financial statements to the public. I also acknowledge that CryptoCougs, LLC will be managed solely by its equity owners and reserves the right to modify or discontinue its programs at any time in its sole discretion. CryptoCougs, LLC intends to comply with applicable State law, university rules, and NCAA rules, as they may change from time to time, and its programs will necessarily be adjusted accordingly. CryptoCougs, LLC is not affiliated with Washington State University and receives no financial consideration from the school.

Join us on our journey to make unique Name, Image & Likeness opportunities!